Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Lake

Yesterday we took a break from from unpacking and housework and headed off to Lake Ontario. Ari and Elsu battled the waves,found treasures and went for a long explore down the beach with my mom.Beren dipped his toes in and tried to eat as many rocks as he could find. A perfectly lovely afternoon...I foresee many more in our future.

...House pictures coming soon


  1. Such great memories! I love the lake! Absolutely - and, I love you all! I miss the smell of the honesuckle bush outside the back porch and the buzz of the bees - am looking forward to seeing all of those great pictures!

  2. It looks like everyone had a great time. I'm sure it was a welcome break from unpacking, figuring out how to fit all of your stuff into the space in this new house and from keeping three children occupied at the same time!

  3. Lovin' the new camera! Keep the pictures and updates coming-- you're doing a great job with the blog!
